Brushless DC Motor Controller with Hall Sensor Inp Brushless DC Motor Controller with Hall Sensor Inputs Introductionofdrivecharacteristic
180VDC servo motor control system 180vDC servo motor control system Overview Theservodriveadoptsall-roundprotectiondesignandhasefficienttransmissionfunctions:highcontrolprecision,good
RS232 Interface PWM DC Motor Speed Controller RS232 Interface PWM DC Motor Speed Controller MMT-110/220DP20AL-232(withserialcommunication) Summary JinanKeyaMMTSeriesPWMDCspeed-regulatingsystemare
48V 400A DC Electric Assembly /DC Motor Control sy 48V 400A DC Electric Assembly /DC Motor Control system Can be used in mining trailers, cars, golf carts, electric forklifts, beach vehicles, etc. and
PWM series DC Drive/Electronic speed control PWM series DC Drive/Electronic speed control FEATURES: DC-4QBrakinG Reversible, PWMseriesDCDrive,hasquicklydynamicresponse, smoothoperating,workswell
220V/10A DC SPEED CONTROLLER/DC MOTOR CONTROLLER 220V/10A DC SPEED CONTROLLER Performance index: Main power(V­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
4Q-PWM DC Controller 4Q-PWM DC Controller Model and specification Model Max Output current (A) Max output voltage (V) Operating DC (V) DC 12RT10BL 10 12 8 -18 DC 24RT10B
PWM series DC Drive/Brush DC motor controller PWM series DC Drive/Brush DC motor FEATURES: DC-4QBrakinG Reversible, PWMseriesDCDrive,hasquicklydynamicresponse, smoothoperating,workswellandperfec
24V PWM brush Dc motor controller PWM Dc motor controller/ motor parts/brush motor driver Summary TheDC12/24V/36V/48DPXXBLseriesproductistheadoptionappropriationmoldpiece, makecontrol
220V 30A SCR DC Drive/DC Driver 220V 30A SCR DC Drive/DC DriverSummary MMT-220DR serial DC motor drive adopts SCR chopper, which has unique trigger mode, thus making it more accura
DC Drive For Packing Machine DC Drive For Packing Machine Product performance 1. The mechanical characteristics of hardness, static error rate of 1%. 2. Wide speed-regulating ra
SCR Dc motor controller/MMT-220DR10BL PWM Dc motor controller/MMT-220DR10BL SiliconControlledSeriesismorereliableandstablebyusingtheuniquetriggeringmode. ItadoptsSMTtechnologyandfeaturess
DC Motor Variable Speed Control Circuit220V motor DCMotorVariableSpeedControlCircuit /220V motor control Overview MMT-SiliconControlledSeriesismorereliableandstablebyusingtheuniquetriggeringmode. Ita
Reversible DC Motor Drive Reversible DC Motor DriveDC Motor Drive 1. Summary MMT-SCR series DC motor controllers are full-wave positive feedback motor controllers and can cont
110V 4A DC Torque Controller 110V 4A DC Torque Controller Product performance 1. The mechanical characteristics of hardness, static error rate of 1%. 2. Wide speed-regulating ra
12V dc motor controller for fork lift truck /CEC 12V dc motor controller for fork lift truck /CECE Summary Thecircuitisdesignedforbattery-poweredlow-voltagehigh-powerdirectcurrentmotors,useofmicro-p
24V 30A PWM DC Motor Controller 24V 30A PWM DC Motor Controller OVERVIEW The drive uses micro-processing chips and special chip PWM pulse width modulation combined, so that signal p
4Q-FR- PWM Series DC Motor Controller 4Q-FR- PWM series DC motor controller FEATURES: DC-4QBraking-Reversible,PWMseriesDCDrive,hasquicklydynamicresponse,smoothoperating,workswellandperfec
PWM DC Motor Speed Controller (CE) High Performance Motor Controllers DRIVE USEAGE:widely used in mechanical equipments, such as testing machine, digital controlled machine tool, medic